Sharing Solutions in Toll Systems

Free-Flow Control System and Toll Collection in Latin America

Get to know the first Free-Flow Gantry developed and implemented by Telectrónica. Fully autonomous and operational 24/7, capable of integrating to systems in operation with multiple clasification methods.
Implementing the latest technologies in efficient solutions

Get to know our Management and Control System that helps Road Concessions to manage their businesses from any device and efficiently.
About Telectrónica
We have more than 33 years of experience in the development of Toll Control Systems, with continuous permanence in the market.
Our experience is supported by the more than 1800 lanes installed in our Clients distributed in 8 Latin American countries.
Our Strengths
We have a Team of professionals who are experts in Engineering and the Development of our Integral Solutions.
We adapt our processes to the business requirements of our clients.
Data Management
We assume the CUSTOMER as the OWNER OF THE DATA. Our solutions are oriented to the correct management of the same.
Post-sale Services
We provide efficient technical support on an ongoing basis to our Clients.
Toll Lane Equipments
We provide a wide variety of equipment designed for the day-to-day operation of Toll Stations.

Solutions implemented by Telectrónica
Our solutions are currently used by the main Toll Concessionaires in Latin America. To date we have installed more than 1824 toll lanes in 283 Toll Stations.